May 10, 2023
Making grass heads is a great summer project that hits several areas of learning. Have your child scoop some soil into a clear cup, sprinkle in some grass seeds, then top with a ...
May 3, 2023
Students and staff dressed up and danced the day away last week for our annual dance-a-thon. We had country music stars, rock stars, hippies, 50's, and much more! Thank you to a...
April 26, 2023
As we get closer to the end of the year, we have more and more celebrations and fun days at preschool. Last week we kicked it off with FARM DAY! Chickens, goats, cows, and even ...
April 19, 2023
Two things that are very important to us at preschool are inclusion and reading. When they are combined we get very excited! Last week we had some very special readers from the ...

April 5, 2023
February was National Children's Dental Health Month and many of our classrooms had some fun exploring dental hygiene. Preschool makes EVERYTHING more fun!

March 22, 2023
We celebrated Read Across America with some very special guest readers in our preschool center rooms. Read Across America is an annual event celebrated on or near March 2nd, whic...

March 15, 2023
Miss Ohm and Ms. Ulrich's class have been learning all about pets! Each day, the students have learned about a different type of pet and how to take care of it. They are applying ...
March 8, 2023
Last week was all over the place with a variety of weather from 75 one day to non stop down pours the next! We took full advantage of the sunny day, spending as much time outside...
March 1, 2023
As adults we seldom get asked the question, "what is your favorite dinosaur"....unless you are here in one of our preschool rooms. Knowing your favorite dinosaur is as important ...

February 22, 2023
Earlier in the month students got to do a magic art project! They water painted on a piece of paper to reveal snowflakes! Thank you to our parent volunteers who help make the pr...

February 15, 2023
This week our students are having fun with hearts! Happy Valentine's Day from us to you!

February 8, 2023
Two weeks ago we shared snowman creations from around the preschool BUT as the song goes, it doesn't HAVE to be a snowman! Check out these arctic creations...
February 1, 2023
Feb 1st is Global School Play Day and here at the preschool we take play very seriously! First started in 2015, global school play day promotes the importance of unstructured, re...

January 25, 2023
When asked what their favorite thing to do in the snow, students most often answer - BUILD A SNOW MAN! So that's what we've been doing in many classes both at Parkwood and the pr...

January 18, 2023
Today we want to highlight one of the students favorite people in all of preschool - Mrs. Boone! She is our Adapted Physical Education Instructor (APE), also known as GYM! Mrs. ...
January 12, 2023
Ms Mosser and Mrs McQuade's students had a ton of fun making colorful icicles with shaving cream and water colors! It was a hands on experience that left the room smelling nice a...
January 4, 2023
Mrs. Hart and Mrs. Ammon's students get a special reader in their class about once a month. As explained by Mrs. Hart, the reader brings in their students favorite story and it...

December 28, 2022
Beavercreek Preschool Center and Parkwood classes hope you are enjoying your 2 weeks break! Your students had a lot of fun celebrating the season and preparing gifts to share....
December 21, 2022
Mrs. Hamlin and Mrs. Hutton's students are busy decking the halls with gingerbread, trees, and all of the glitter!

December 16, 2022
There is endless fun happening in our preschool rooms! Mrs. Hart and Mrs. Ammon's students celebrated Gingerbread Day! They so rted M&M's by color then created a "gingerbrea...