Quick Links For Parents
Where To Go?

Student Grades
Check your child's grades in grades 3-12. You can also set up notifications to be alerted to grades and missing work. The app is easy to use and great to have.

Student Information
If you need your child's MAP testing scores, State Testing scores, discipline referrals, IEP/504 infomration and much more, this is where you can find it all.

Google Classroom
Student Classwork
Your student's teacher may have a Google Classroom where your student will complete assignments or obtain valuable information. If your child's teacher has a Google Classroom and allows parent access

Parent Square
All District Communication
All schools, teachers and clubs will use Parent Square to communicate updates to parents. The app makes it even easier.

Pay School
Lunch & School Fees
If you need to pay school fees or add money to your student's lunch account, this is the site you need.

Student Registration
If you need to register your student, you will do so using OneView. At the start of each school year, you will verify or make changes to your information.